Big News!! & 200th post!!!

Post # 200!! Yay!!! What s fun life and 200 posts! But on to our big news!!! Well, I'm pregnant...again!!! :) That's right!!! Baby George #2 will be arriving in June 2013! I have had a few minor complications and even though I am only 9 weeks I have had 5 ultrasounds already and 6 doctor appointments. At the 8 week appointment they pretty much cleared me, saying everything is looking fine and better. So, I still have 1 more "specialist" appointment at 12 weeks to check up on everything but my doctor seems to think everything is fine.

A few family members and people have asked if this was planned or a surprise and we answer that by saying it was a, "oh that was fast!" haha. I knew I wanted at least my first 2 children close together in age but since I was still breastfeeding Thomas we weren't so sure that I would get pregnant so quickly again. Well, I did!! We are very excited and can't wait to meet this newest little addition to our family.

A few things that have been hard about this pregnancy:
- I had to stop breastfeeding Thomas and that was about the hardest thing I have had to do! My doctor told me it was best to wean him to formula. Thankfully he was 10 months old when I started the weaning process so he really only has about 1 1/2 months on formula before I would start weaning him to whole milk anyway.
- chasing a 10 month old has made this one harder. Before with T I was sitting at a desk and that made pregnancy a little easier.

A few things that have been easier about this pregnancy so far:
- I don't have to dress up for work everyday. Most days I am in workout pants and a T shirt!
- Naps!!! I nap or rest each time Thomas naps. This had been good for me but not good for having a clean house.  Haha.

I am sure there will be many more fun comparisons with the two different pregnancies! For now...I will leave you with a picture of our little one!! :)


Cindy Lou said…
"George- Party of Four!"

I am so happy! I know I said this already--but I have to say it again! YAY! I hope this pregnancy will be great for you and that you will continue to feel good.

Also, buckle up because my 2nd pregnancy went SO fast because I was involved with all of Lucy's milestones! (which is kind of a good thing because then you have 2 babies in your arms before you know it!)

We will pray for all four of you during this season!
Unknown said…
Congratulations! Stopped by from Leah and Kyle's blog. I am also a minister's wife and am pregnant with #2- also got pregnant when my first was 10 months old. Anyhow the similarities made me smile. Glad you got the "all-clear" from the doctors with this little one
Tara said…
Congratulations! Can't wait to meet Baby George #2!
Linda said…
First of all...congratulations! So thankful things are okay and will keep you in my prayers in the coming months. You did awesome nursing Thomas for 10 months and you are smart to nap whenever he does! Can't wait to meet the 4th George family member!