Elisabeth Elliot Quote

This is definitely a convicting quote. As I start studying for my first Bible Study Series on Proverbs 31. I think this quote is very fitting. Lets be consistently striving to be godly women and be an encouragement to our husbands (or if you're not married be encouraging to the men that interact with you) to be better men! Elisabeth Elliot is an amazing woman and definitely someone you should read if you have the opportunity. She is an amazing and Godly woman. She definitely has knowledge we can glean from as women. 


Laura said…
Great quote and so true ! Women don't appreciate how unique God has made us and how important our role is in life , we have the option to change the world for good or for evil that's how important we are if we submit to the right master ! I think women have allowed themselves to follow the same lie the Eve followed and they have fought for every "right" that men have they have achieved great things they are doctors, lawyers, construction workers , astronauts ,Female Ministers , and no doubt the next Pope will be a Popess! Are they happier , do they feel more fulfilled? No they are still angry and frustrated , still shouting for more rights, still shouting to be recognised and given attention ! In all this time they have by passed the greatst , toughest but most fulfilling role they could ever have in this life , mother , wife , grandparent , sister , daughter-in-law, mother-in -law, aunt , neice, friend,and most of all the chosen , precious , child of God with a God given role to make an impact on this world .. for good not for evil!