P90X - Update

I am officially 1/2 way through P90X workout. It has been hard but oh so rewarding! I said in my last post that I would write a follow up to let all 2 readers (if that) know how things were going. It has been most challenging and I think the hardest part is giving up nap time to workout. I mean, the workouts are hard and challenging but I miss being able to sit on the couch and chill every few days like I use to. If I was having a rough morning nap time was my sanity. Now nap-time is insanity with crazy workouts. haha. Oh well. It has well been worth it. I cannot believe I am half way done. The goal of finishing this is all the more real and it makes me excited to know that it will actually happen. I like seeing tangible ways that a workout of improving one of those is weight loss and the other is general strength. I have tried multiple times this year to go across the monkey bars at the neighborhood park when I am there with my kids. And I was not able to do it. But, a week ago I went across them with the greatest of ease (twice) while we were there. I was so excited. It is a little thing but it was so fun to see a tangible outcome from all the hard work I have been doing. I have also lost more weight. I am so excited that I am about 8lbs. off my final goal. When I set my goal I didn't actually think I could make it there but now there is light at the end of the tunnel. All my hard work for the past 6+ months is paying off. Here is what I have lost. Since I started P90X 6.5 weeks ago I have lost 8lbs. and 2". My total loss since January 2014 is 25lbs. and 6". I am so excited. 8 more lbs. and I will have reached my goal! Its amazing to me what hard work and eating better will do. It feels good to have a new routine and I think when P90X is done I might have to take a little break from working out 6 days a week. It is hard! But like I said when I started the results are well worth it and that is what is driving me on days I really don't feel like doing it!!

Also, Bible Study post update...

I am teaching our youth girls twice a week and doing a women's Bible Study so the blog study has been put on hold for a little while. Maybe when teaching slows down around the Holidays maybe I can do some sort of Christmas series. It is my most FAVORITE time of the year!!! =) It is coming soooo soon!! Thanks for those of you who do continue to read my blog even with my sparatic updates!! =)
