
Shutterfly Christmas Cards

A Family Tradition...

Our week in pictures...

Fun Month...


The NC State Fair 2010

Here We Go Again...

October = Fall

Day 7 - A Picture That Makes Me Happy

Day 6 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy...

Favorite Quote - Day 5

Day 4 - Favorite Book

Day 3 - Favorite TV Show

Day 2: Favorite Movie

30 Days of Us...

Qutoe of the Day...Maybe even the Month...

August Goals - July Accomplishments

2 year Anniversary Photoshoot

2 Year Anniversary

Hershey Bar Cake

Long hair and ponytails

My Favorite Lunch EVER!

This Week

July Goals - June Accomplishments...

Italian Night with Amber

Wordless Wednesday ~ The Old Roomie is in Town!!!!!!


Date Night!!!

June - Goals

Just Shake it...


A Unique Design